Penis enlargement with baking soda at home can be done in different ways. Each of them is worth considering in more detail.
Oral administration
Penis enlargement with soda is also possible when taking the product orally. To do this, prepare a solution from half a teaspoon of the product and a glass of milk. The resulting product is taken every day for a month.
Baking soda improves blood circulation, which helps to enlarge the penis. The product also has a positive effect on sperm quality and sperm viability.
Soda solution helps not only to increase the dignity of a man, but also to cleanse the body, prevent the formation of malignant tumors, normalize metabolism and lose excess weight.
The intestine is the most important digestive organ. If there are problems in its activity, the blood supply to the genital organs is disturbed. Therefore, it is believed that by cleaning the intestines, you will achieve better results in penis enlargement.
For cleaning, micro-eleses are prepared with soda solution. It is prepared as follows: a large spoonful of sodium bicarbonate is poured into a liter of pre-boiled warm water. They give the climate once a day. The course of therapy is 30 days.
Forest baths
Another way to enlarge the penis using baking soda is to take alkaline baths. To do this, dissolve 500 g of soda product in 3 liters of water, then add it to the bath. The water temperature should be comfortable for the body. It is recommended to take a bath for no more than half an hour, and after finishing, use a contrast shower.
Soda baths help the manhood to be thicker and longer. In addition, this method allows you to prevent inflammation of the prostate gland and genitals and rid the body of harmful substances.

After the bath, it is necessary to take a contrast shower to restore normal blood circulation.
You can also prepare concentrated baths in which you simply sit
In this case, the soda content for male organ enlargement will be higher, so it is important not to damage the skin of the penis. Otherwise, an unpleasant burning sensation will occur
A good option for penis enlargement with baking soda is applying compresses. To do this, mix 10 large spoons of the product with a liter of hot water. Then they take a strip of natural fabric, dip it in the solution and wrap it around the penis.
Keep the compress for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
It is recommended to carry out the procedure 3 times a day. Thanks to it, the blood circulation increases rapidly, which leads to the lengthening and thickening of the male genital organ.
Penis enlargement using baking soda is also possible through massage. The procedure helps to increase blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes. All this has a positive effect on improving the size of manhood.
The massage is performed as follows:
- The skin of the penis warms up first. You can use a towel soaked in hot water for this.
- Wet your hands a little and pour a small amount of baking soda.
- The reproductive organ is massaged with light sticky movements, moving from the base to the tip.
- After the procedure, rinse the soda product with warm water.
It is recommended to do the massage in the evening, before going to bed. After the procedure, you should lie down for a while and relax your body. Massage frequency 2 times a week.
To enlarge the penis, they prepare a special scrub with soda. For this purpose, make a mixture of water and food product in a ratio of 1: 1. The result should be a paste. To enhance the effect, add a small spoonful of liquid honey and a few drops of any essential oil that can stimulate blood circulation in this mass.
The water in this recipe can be completely replaced with vegetable oils. But just don't use sunflower products. Thanks to them, in addition to the enlargement of the genital organ, it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin, accelerate the healing of tissues and prevent the development of inflammation.
To enlarge the penis, apply a thin, even layer of the scrub on its surface and rub it in a circular motion. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than 3 times a week.

How to enlarge the penis without creams, ointments and pills?
It can be safely said that all methods of penis enlargement without surgery, ointments and other pharmacological products show effectiveness, which cannot be said about lazy methods.
In this matter, the "squeeze and forget" approach is hardly acceptable: after the goal of adding a couple of centimeters has been set, you should follow the recommendations of specialists with maximum diligence and, perhaps, apply a combination of several methods.
All penis enlargement techniques have two goals:
- physiological increase in length due to tissue expansion;
- Activating the "pump" of the cavernous bodies, that is, simply fighting against the weak potential.
Surprisingly, sometimes the latter approach is even more effective: dysfunction of the prostate and cardiovascular system may simply not allow the "downstairs neighbor" to reach its full potential.
If in the state of excitement the male organ is always energetic, heavy and can remain so for several hours, then the lack of length can be solved only by surgery or moderate damage.
More mature men should perceive the size of the penis as a fixed permanence and focus on a healthy lifestyle in order not to have problems with potency.
Other folk methods
Many men find that they have stronger erections after quitting smoking. This is true because nicotine destroys testosterone, the hormone responsible for the functioning of the penis.
You should limit your intake of alcoholic beverages because alcohol reduces the production of male hormones. You don't need to give them up completely, but you should clearly know the limits when consuming whiskey, brandy, vodka and beer.
You can also take contrast baths before going to bed to improve blood circulation in the penis. You should immerse yourself in hot water at a temperature of about 40 degrees, and after one minute, immerse yourself in a container of cool, 20-degree water for one minute. The procedure is repeated several times.
Using a cold compress to strengthen an erection in a short time. About 500 g of crushed ice should be wrapped in several layers of cheesecloth. Then apply this pack on the body areas in strict order:
- skull base,
- ribs close to the heart,
- scrotum.

Now we know how you can increase the penis at home using folk remedies. Men achieve excellent results by using these products. A specialist will tell you about penis enlargement at home in the video in this article.
You can also change the volume and length of the penis using pumps, extensions and attachments.
The first method enlarges the penis by placing it in a vacuum environment. It activates blood flow, blood flows into the phallus, as a result of which not only the length but also the diameter changes.
It is important to regulate the level of pressure so that you do not injure yourself by overzealousness
An extender is a special device that is attached to a belt or hip. The device is called an alternative to surgery, it helps not only to change the parameters, but also to eliminate the curvature of the organ. The device must be worn for several hours a day, during which the tissues of the organ stretch and begin to grow to relieve tension. Wearing extensions helps you increase your size permanently.

Attachments are an option for men who need to elongate their penis during intercourse. A silicone device is placed on the phallus, due to which it changes size. Various models are sold that allow you to independently determine the necessary parameters.
One of the ways to change the length of the penis with improvised means is hanging weights. The method is quite controversial, because in order to achieve faster results, men often damage tissues and cavernous bodies. The mechanism of action is the attachment of weight to the organ, under the influence of which the penis extends.

Sometimes men are not dissatisfied with the overall size of the penis, but try to enlarge the head of the penis. There are various exercises for this, one of which is performed as follows:
- You should sit on the edge of the chair and spread your legs wide;
- squeeze the phallus at the bottom;
- Hit your hips one by one.
Each man independently chooses the suitable method for him and should know well: penis enlargement is a long procedure. To get a long-lasting effect, you need to make an effort and remember about regularity.
vacuum pump
A vacuum pump is an enlarging vacuum-constrictor device that can be used to painlessly and quickly increase the diameter of the phallus. The simulator consists of a cylindrical plastic flask and a vacuum pump. During the lessons, the flask is placed on the penis and tightly pressed against the pubis. After that, the air is removed from it using a pump.
Vacuum pumps are very often used to permanently correct the size of the penis before intercourse. To achieve long-term phallus enlargement, you should use the exercise machine regularly for six months.
Techniques for using the vacuum constrictor device:
- Insert the wrong phallus into the opening of the cylinder;
- Firmly press the pump against the pubis;
- Pump the air out of the device using a mechanical bulb or an electric pump;
- After erection, lower the flask down;
- After 15-20 minutes, turn the check valve to let air into the cylinder and remove the pump.
It is not advisable to use a vacuum pump for people with cardiovascular diseases.
- Those who have been interested in the question of how to grow a penis on their own are probably familiar with these devices. They have completely different operating principles, but perform one task - resizing.
- A vacuum pump works by increasing the pressure in a flask that contains the male genital organ. This increases blood circulation and leads to active growth. The method is combined with special exercises and massage. The duration of the procedure is short, so you can perform daily activities and the results will not take long.
The extender works on a different principle; The product is a product whose design allows you to stretch the penis. First, it is fixed in the groin area and fastens the organ with a special clamp, expanding it.

Initially, the device was used to correct the shape of the penis, but over time, many men began to note another positive feature of the device - an increase in male "dignity". After that, active research began, and after some time, production began.
If you still have questions about how to enlarge the male penis using a vacuum pump and dilator, consult a specialist in a medical institution.
If a man is interested in how to temporarily increase his dignity, it is worth considering the features of using a special attachment. They do not significantly increase the "economy", but only act as an extension cord. Just put on the product and fasten it, then apply intimate lubricant on it and you can start having sex. Men's sensitivity decreases, but their sex partner feels amazing pleasure.
Why did the penis lose sensitivity?
The low sensitivity of the phallus leads to the formation of aversion to sex, because the man does not feel anything, excitement passes and satisfaction does not occur.
Reasons that cause a decrease in sensitivity:
- Phimosis (too narrow forehead) leads to the fact that the head will not be exposed and stimulated during friction.
- Problems with the spine, especially in the lumbar region. Injuries, tumors, prolapsed discs and other pathological processes cause the destruction of nerve conduction in the area responsible for the urogenital system.
- Circumcision causes roughening of the mucous membrane (due to the absence of a protective forehead), so all sensations will be dull.
- Complications after surgical interventions (increase in size, correction of curvature) in the form of damage to the dorsal nerve.
- Consumption of harmful substances (ethanol, alcohol, drugs).
- Very hard or frequent masturbation, using a vacuum pump, applying rough clothes to the skin - the penis gets used to strong impact, the natural feeling in the vagina seems weak.
- Mechanical injuries (rupture of the pharynx, swelling, etc. ).
- Inflammatory process (infection leads to reduction of response to touch, cutting, pain).
- Diseases that cause damage to nerve endings (diabetes, neuropathy).
- Hormonal imbalance (lack or excess of adrenaline, prolactin, progesterone, TSH).
After studying the root causes, the specialist chooses ways to restore sensitivity.
By what means can the penis be enlarged without surgery?
Penis enlargement surgery gives positive results in 95% of cases. However, not all representatives of the stronger sex decide to undergo surgery. Some people don't have the budget, some are forbidden to do surgery for medical reasons, and some just don't dare. In the modern world, there is a huge variety of home methods for increasing the size of the penis:
- Various ointments, creams, gels and sprays. Ointments are one of the easiest ways to enlarge the penis, but not all means give results. Before buying, be sure to study the composition of the drug and product reviews so as not to be deceived. This type of product should be used once or twice a day, applying a circular motion to the penis. The course of use is from one to three months.
- Massage and various exercise techniques. This method of penis enlargement is the most popular because it does not require money and can be done at any time. The disadvantage of this method is the long wait for the result. The course of procedures is from six months to one year.
- Jelqing is the best method of penis enlargement. The idea is to stretch the penis from the base to the head. Stretching the organ is no less effective. Improper massage and exercise can cause serious damage to the penis.
- devices. The extender is an effective and convenient device for penis enlargement. The principle is simple: stretch the organ for a long time.
The pump works differently. The vacuum created in it increases the blood flow to the penis, causing it to enlarge. A course of using the devices for long-term results for six months or more.

Medicinal plants
There are various options on how to enlarge your penis using folk remedies and methods without pain and suffering. For example, you can try special exercises for the penis. This type of physical training helps pump up any organ and consists of three stages: stretching, milk and breathing exercises.
Stretching is done manually, using lubricants to gently and gently stretch the penis to its maximum length. After the penis reaches the state of erection, the second stage begins. Wrap the penis in a warm, damp scarf or cloth and gently massage the head with two fingers through the cloth.
Adjust the intensity and duration of the scene yourself, because such movements often cause orgasm in men. Milking should be done only after the penis is well lubricated so that the hands can slide over it without hindrance. This procedure should be carried out every day for 5 days, with a two-day break, and then continue. But if you feel even the slightest discomfort, it is better to stop such activities.
Another stage of growth is performing breathing exercises. For this you need to sit comfortably, relax, inhale deeply with your lungs and exhale deeply with your stomach. Repeat this exercise 50 times, and then proceed to the penis. Grasp the gonad of the genital organ with the right hand and massage the pubis 81 times in a clockwise direction.
Another option for solving the problem is the use of herbs and herbs. As a rule, this method of penis enlargement causes the least harm, but there are enough health benefits. Herbs are always available for use, they are cheap and harmless to the body if used correctly. Treatment with this natural method requires patience, but gives a long-lasting and noticeable effect.
Pour boiling water over 100 grams of crushed oysters and let it cool. Drink the obtained infusion 4 months before breakfast and dinner. Strictly follow the schedule, because even if you forget to drink the infusion one day, you will have to start all over again.
- Grind 200 grams of garlic in a meat grinder and dilute with the same amount of alcohol. Leave the mixture in a dark, dry place for 10 days and then drink 25 drops twice a day for three months.
- Pour cold water on one teaspoon of worms and boil this mixture. Then strain the drink and drink half a glass three times a day.
- Mix a liter of cow's milk with one kilogram of butter and the same amount of chopped asparagus. Add 90 grams of carrot and turnip seeds to the resulting mixture. Boil everything until it thickens and after it cools down drink 80 grams a day; You can also rub infusions of hawthorn, Korean ginseng and ginkgo leaves into the penis daily.
Also for penis enlargement tinctures are used: cordyceps, shiitake, meitake, reishi, ginseng root, zinc erectile root, wormwood seed, anise seed or Siberian asparagus root. For this, you need to fill the raw materials with vodka or alcohol and let it cook for 3 weeks. Take one tablespoon of tincture before meals.
Does traditional medicine promote growth?
Folk remedies take first place in popularity. Everyone who wanted to know how to enlarge the penis has repeatedly heard about the effectiveness of folk remedies.
If you want to learn how to enlarge your penis, consider the following herbs first:
- thyme
- stable
- garlic;
- aloe juice;
- ginger root;
- Vardi and others.
Creams and ointments are made from these ingredients, which makes it possible to have a localized effect on the disease.
Traditional medicine also includes non-traditional methods, for example, the use of vaseline or star balm. Their action is aimed at increasing blood circulation, due to which the corpus and skin of the penis grows, after which the penis itself grows. However, before that, you should definitely think about how to enlarge the penis in the old way in order to reduce the likelihood of complications and side effects.
Generations of men have turned to traditional medicine to increase the size of their reproductive organs. These funds are still used today. A time-tested method that undoubtedly demonstrates its effectiveness. Using baking soda is the easiest and cheapest way to add a few inches to your penis. In addition, there are three different ways to use it:
- Drinking diluted soda solution. A mixture of half a teaspoon of soda and 150 ml of water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. After this time, not only the penis should grow by several cm, but also the erection will be noticeably improved.
- Wetting the penis with soda solution. The essence of the method is as follows: a clean and dry organ is moistened in a solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of water). After that, it is not necessary to wash the penis. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for at least one month.
- Rub in honey and soda ointment. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of honey and baking soda. The ointment should be applied to the entire length of the penis 15-30 minutes before going to bed.
Herbs are another equally effective way to enlarge the penis. They can be consumed in the form of tea or in the form of various dietary supplements. Plants that have a positive effect on penis growth include:
- Ginseng. Contraindications for use are heart disease, benign and malignant tumors.
- Ginkgo biloba. Contraindications: convulsions.
- Peruvian poppy. There are no contraindications for use, however, in case of slight deterioration of health, use should be stopped immediately.
It is best to consult your doctor before using any medicinal supplement.
You should not expect colossal results from folk remedies. However, it is quite possible to add 2-3 cm to the size of the penis, although the method often does not require any financial investment or the costs are minimal.
Don't get discouraged if you don't see results after a few weeks of training. The first visual changes are usually noticeable only after 3 months of regular work on penis enlargement.
Natural remedies and herbs
A popular method of penis enlargement is still taking various tinctures and herbal extracts. The most famous is the decoction of ginseng and tribulus. The ginsenosides contained in these herbs stimulate the nervous system, improve blood circulation, stimulate the production of own testosterone, which leads to a more complete filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood.
There is still no official data on the effect of these plants on the penis, however, based on many reviews, we can conclude that the decoction works. You can get ready-made extracts from ginseng and tribulus in the form of tablets or capsules.
Also for penis enlargement tinctures are used: cordyceps, shiitake, meitake, reishi, ginseng root, zinc erectile root, wormwood seed, anise seed or Siberian asparagus root. For this, you need to fill the raw materials with vodka or alcohol and let it cook for 3 weeks. Take one tablespoon of tincture before meals.
Ginkgo biloba
This plant can cause strong blood flow to the penis. Despite the contradictory findings of many researchers, the plant is widely used to treat impotence and penis enlargement. Ginkgo biloba is sold in pharmacies (tea, capsules).
Ginkgo biloba should not be used if you are prone to seizures, or with aspirin and other blood thinners. You need to consult a doctor.
Maca is Peruvian
They contain active components - macamides, which can increase the size of the penis and erection for a short time. No research has been conducted on this plant, so caution should be exercised when using it.
Experts have long come to the conclusion that fat men have 1-2 cm less penis length than representatives of the stronger sex who do not have problems with excess weight. This fact has been confirmed by many studies and surveys. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that part of the genital organ is hidden under the fatty tissue in the pubic area. In this case, weight loss contributes to the problem of a small penis.
We must remember! An unhealthy lifestyle affects not only a man's health, but also the size of his penis. Bad habits appearing at an early age can cause developmental delay in reproductive organs, which is extremely difficult to change.